On Wed, Jul 14 at 23:51, Tim Cook wrote:
Out of the fortune 500, I'd be willing to bet there's exactly zero
companies that use whitebox systems, and for a reason.

Sure, some core SAP system or HR data warehouse runs on name-brand
gear, and maybe they have massive SANs with various capabilities that
run on name brand gear as well, but I'd guess that most every fortune
500 company buys some large number of generic machines as well.

(generic being anything from newegg build-it-yourself to the bargain
SKUs from major PC companies that may not have mission-critical
support contracts associated with them)

Any company that believes it can add more value in their IT supply
chain than the vendor they'd be buying from would be foolish not to
put energy into that space (if they can "afford" to.)  Google is but a
single example, though I am sure there are others.

Eric D. Mudama

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