On Sat, 2010-07-24 at 19:54 -0400, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
> > From: Garrett D'Amore [mailto:garr...@nexenta.com]
> > 
> > Fundamentally, my recommendation is to choose NFS if your clients can
> > use it.  You'll get a lot of potential advantages in the NFS/zfs
> > integration, so better performance.  Plus you can serve multiple
> > clients, etc.
> > 
> > The only reason to use iSCSI is when you don't have a choice, IMO.  You
> > should only use iSCSI with a single initiator at any point in time
> > unless you have some higher level contention management in place.
> So ... You don't think filesystems like gfs etc, should ever be used?

"gfs" provides such higher level contention management.  I can't speak
for it myself, but my gut reaction is that unless you have a need for
the features of gfs, you are probably better served by NFS.

Running a more traditional filesystem (that does not allow concurrent
block device access) is almost certainly a bad idea unless you have
special needs.

        - Garrett

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