On Aug 14, 2010, at 19:39, Kevin Walker wrote:

I once watched a video interview with Larry from Oracle, this ass rambled on about how he hates cloud computing and that everyone was getting into cloud computing and in his opinion no one understood cloud computing, apart from
him... :-|

If this is the video you're talking about, I think you misinterpreted what he meant:

Cloud computing is not only the future of computing, but it is the present, and the entire past of computing is all cloud. [...] All it is is a computer connected to a network. What do you think Google runs on? Do you think they run on water vapour? It's databases, and operating systems, and memory, and microprocessors, and the Internet. And all of a sudden it's none of that, it's "the cloud". [...] All "the cloud" is, is computers on a network, in terms of technology. In terms of business model, you can say it's rental. All SalesForce.com was, before they were cloud computing, was software- as-a-service, and then they became cloud computing. [...] Our industry is so bizarre: they change a term and think they invented technology.


I don't see any inaccurate in what said.

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