> I was wondering if anyone had a benchmarking showing this alignment 
> mattered on the latest SSDs. My guess is no, but I have no data.

I don't believe there can be any doubt whether a Flash based SSD (tier1 
or not)  is negatively affected by partition misalignment.  It is intrinsic to 
the required asymmetric erase/program dual operation and the resultant 
RMW penalty to perform a write if unaligned.  This is detailed in the 
following vendor benchmarking guidelines (SF-1500 controller):


Highlight from link - "Proper partition alignment is one of the most critical 
attributes that can greatly boost the I/O performance of an SSD due to 
reduced read modify‐write operations."

It should be noted, the above highlight only applies to Flash based SSD 
as an NVRAM based SSD does *not* suffer the same fate, as its 
performance is not bound by or vary with partition (mis)alignment.

Best regards,

Christopher George
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