On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 10:15:32AM +1300, Ian Collins wrote:
> Based on my own research, experimentation and client requests, I
> agree with all of the above.

Good to know.

> I have be re-ordering and cleaning (deny) ACEs for one client for a
> couple of years now and we haven't seen any user complaints.  In
> their environment, all ACLs started life as POSIX (from a Solaris 9
> host) and with the benefit of hindsight, I would have cleaned them
> up on import to ZFS rather than simply reading the POSIX ACL and
> writing back to ZFS.

The saddest scenario would be when you have to interop with NFSv3
clients whose users (or their apps) are POSIX ACL happy, but whose files
also need to be accessible from NFSv4, SMB, and local ZPL clients where
the users (possibly the same users, or their apps) are also ZFS ACL
happy.  Particularly if you also have Windows clients and the users edit
file ACLs there too!  Thankfully this is relatively easy to avoid
because: apps that edit ACLs are few and far between, thus easy to
remediate, and users should not really be manually setting POSIX Draft
and ZFS/NFSv4/SMB ACLs on the same files.

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