>>>>> "nw" == Nicolas Williams <nicolas.willi...@oracle.com> writes:

    nw> The current system fails closed 


$ touch t0
$ chmod 444 t0
$ chmod A0+user:$(id -nu):write_data:allow t0
$ ls -l t0
-r--r--r--+  1 carton   carton         0 Oct  6 20:22 t0

now go to an NFSv3 client:
$ ls -l t0
-r--r--r-- 1 carton 405 0 2010-10-06 16:26 t0
$ echo lala > t0

wide open.

NFSv3 and SMB sharing the same dataset is a use-case you claim to
accomodate.  This case fails open once Windows users start adding
'allow' ACL's.  It's not a corner case; it's a design that fails open.

     >> ever had 777 it would send a SIGWTF to any AFS-unaware
     >> graybeards

    nw> A signal?!  How would that work when the entity doing a chmod
    nw> is on a remote NFS client?

please find SIGWTF under 'kill -l' and you might understand what I

    nw> You seem to be in denial.  You continue to ignore the
    nw> constraint that Windows clients must be able to fully control
    nw> permissions in spite of their inability to perceive and modify
    nw> file modes.

You remain unshakably certain that this is true of my proposal in
spite of the fact that you've said clearly that you don't understand
my proposal.  That's bad science.

It may be my fault that you don't understand it: maybe I need to write
something shorter but just as expressive to fit within mailing list
attention spans, or maybe my examples are unclear.  However that
doesn't mean that I'm in denial nor make you right---that just makes
me annoying.

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