On Wed, Oct 06, 2010 at 04:38:02PM -0400, Miles Nordin wrote:
> >>>>> "nw" == Nicolas Williams <nicolas.willi...@oracle.com> writes:
>     nw> The current system fails closed 
> wrong.
> $ touch t0
> $ chmod 444 t0
> $ chmod A0+user:$(id -nu):write_data:allow t0
> $ ls -l t0
> -r--r--r--+  1 carton   carton         0 Oct  6 20:22 t0
> now go to an NFSv3 client:
> $ ls -l t0
> -r--r--r-- 1 carton 405 0 2010-10-06 16:26 t0
> $ echo lala > t0
> $ 
> wide open.

The system does what the ACL says.  The mode fails to accurately
represent the actual access because... the mode can't.  Now, we could
have chosen (and still could choose to) represent the presence of ACEs
for subjects other than owner@/group@/everyone@ by using the group bits
of the mode to represent the maximal set of permissions granted.

But I don't consider the above "failing open".

>     nw> You seem to be in denial.  You continue to ignore the
>     nw> constraint that Windows clients must be able to fully control
>     nw> permissions in spite of their inability to perceive and modify
>     nw> file modes.
> You remain unshakably certain that this is true of my proposal in
> spite of the fact that you've said clearly that you don't understand
> my proposal.  That's bad science.

*You* stated that your proposal wouldn't allow Windows users full
control over file permissions.

> It may be my fault that you don't understand it: maybe I need to write
> something shorter but just as expressive to fit within mailing list
> attention spans, or maybe my examples are unclear.  However that
> doesn't mean that I'm in denial nor make you right---that just makes
> me annoying.

Yes, that may be.  I encourage you to find a clearer way to express your

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