> From: Stephan Budach [mailto:stephan.bud...@jvm.de]
> Point taken!
> So, what would you suggest, if I wanted to create really big pools? Say
> in the 100 TB range? That would be quite a number of single drives
> then, especially when you want to go with zpool raid-1.

You have a lot of disks.  You either tell the hardware to manage a lot of
disks, and then tell ZFS to manage a single device, and you take unnecessary
risk and performance degradation for no apparent reason ...

Or you tell ZFS to manage a lot of disks.  Either way, you have a lot of
disks that need to be managed by something.  Why would you want to make that
hardware instead of ZFS?

For 100TB ... I suppose you have 2TB disks.  I suppose you have 12 buses.  I
would make a raidz1 using 1 disk from bus0, bus1, ... bus5.  I would make
another raidz1 vdev using a disk from bus6, bus7, ... bus11.  And so forth.
Then, even if you lose a whole bus, you still haven't lost your pool.  Each
raidz1 vdev would be 6 disks with a capacity of 5, so you would have a total
of 10 vdev's and that means 5 disks on each bus.

Or do whatever you want.  The point is yes, give all the individual disks to

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