On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 05:54:09PM +0600, Yuri Vorobyev wrote:
> 28.09.2010 10:45, Brandon High wrote:
>>> Anyone had any look getting either OpenSolaris or FreeBSD with
>>> zfs working on
>> I looked at it some, and all the hardware should be supported. There
>> is a half-height PCIe x16 and a x1 slot as well.
> Somebody has already bought this microserver? :)

Not yet, though I'm thinking about putting those new 4x 3 TByte SATA
disks into it. Resilver times in raidz3 will be a nightmare,

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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