Big thanks! I think I'll also buy one before long. The
power savings alone should be worth it over lifetime.

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 11:03:21PM -0800, Krist van Besien wrote:
> I just bought one. :-)
> My imprssions:
> - Installed Nexentastor community edition in it. All hardware was recognized 
> and works. No problem there. I am however rather underwhelmed by the 
> Nexentastor system and will problably just install Opensolaris on it (b134) 
> this evening. I want to use the box as a NAS, serving CIFS to clients (a 
> mixture of MAC and Linux machines) but as I don't have that much 
> administration to do in it I'll just do it on the command line and forgo 
> fancy broken guis...
> - The system is wel build. Quality is good. I could get the whole motherboard 
> tray out without needing to use tools. It comes with 1GB of ram that I plan 
> to upgrade.
> - The system does come with four HD trays and all the screws you need. I 
> plunked in 4 2T disks, and a small SSD for the OS.
> - The motherboard has a minisas connector, which is connected to the 
> backplane, and a seperate SATA connector that is intended for an optical 
> drive. I used that to connect a SSD which lives in the optical drive bay. 
> There is also an internal USB connector you could just put a USB stick in.
> - Performance under nexentastor appears OK. I have to do some real tests 
> though.
> - It is very quiet. Can certainly live with it in my office. (But will move 
> it in to the basement anyway.
> .  A nice touch is the eSata connector on the back. It does have a VGA 
> connector, but no keyboard/mouse. This is completely legacy free...
> All in all this is an excellent platform to build a NAS on.
> -- 
> This message posted from
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