> <div id="jive-html-wrapper-div">
> I would also add that you should try the NexentaStor
> Enterprise demo - fully functional for 45 days. If
> you find a partner they will most likely be able to
> provide you a managed trial. I&#39;d be interested to
> hear what parts of the GUI didn&#39;t work for
> you.

I couldn't do several relatively simple and straightforward things. Like for 

- Creating a group didn't work. I clicked on "settins", "users" then "new 
group", gave it a name and added some users, than clicked on "create new". 
However the group was not created, and no feedback was given that the operation 
was unsuccessful. 

- I then found out how to create groups on the command line, however I also 
noticed that when creating a group on the console, and adding a user to it 
while creating this group removes that user from other groups. Also I could not 
find out where on the console I could add users to a group, nor could I add 
users to a group via the web console.

Manipulating users and groups is a quite essential to operatin a NAS. That this 
fails to work as expected without any hint as to why this would fail does not 
give me a good impression.

A second issue was when manipulating ACLs. 
Given a zfs volume with a large quota set, 2.4T in this case.
When you go to the directory page, where you can add and remove ACLs the web 
interface fills out the fields with the current value. In this case the quota 
field will be pre filled with the value 2.4T. However when I then try to remove 
an ACL the interace complains that the quota field contains an illegal value... 
I have to manually change 2.4T to 2400G, and do this each time I try to do 
something with an ACL. 

After these experiences I decided to give up on nexentastor. I have no problem 
with managing users, groups and shares using unix commands. The GUI is only 
needed for in case someone else needs to do something on the system. However if 
the GUI fails such simple tasks it's not really usefull.
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