On 2011-Jan-28 21:37:50 +0800, Edward Ned Harvey 
<opensolarisisdeadlongliveopensola...@nedharvey.com> wrote:
>2- When you want to restore, it's all or nothing.  If a single bit is
>corrupt in the data stream, the whole stream is lost.
>Regarding point #2, I contend that zfs send is better than ufsdump.  I would
>prefer to discover corruption in the backup, rather than blindly restoring
>it undetected.

OTOH, it renders ZFS send useless for backup or archival purposes.

With ufsdump, I can probably recover most of the data off a backup
even if it has some errors.  Since I'm aware of that problem, I can
separately store a file of expected checksums etc to verify what I
restore.  If I lose a file from one backup, I can hopefully retrieve
it from another backup.

With ZFS send, a 1-bit error renders my multi-GB backup useless.  I
can't get ZFS to restore the rest of the backup and tell me what is
missing - which might let me recover it in other ways.

Peter Jeremy

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