On 2/2/11 5:43 PM, Krunal Desai wrote:

I updated firmware on both of my USAS-L8i (LSI1068E based), and while
controller numbering has shifted around in Solaris (went from c10/c11
to c11/c12, not a big deal I think), suddently smartctl is able to
pull temperatures. Can't get a full SMART listing, but temperatures
are going now. Oddly enough, my second LSI controller has skipped
c12t0d0 and jumped straight from number c12t1d0 and onwards. It's a
good thing that ZFS can figure out what is what, but it will make
configuring power management tricky.

Re: d1 vs d0, you probably want to disable persistent mappings on your 1068E. Using lsiutil, it's option 15 in "expert" mode, then option 12 in the sub-menu. Or it could be something else ;-)

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