
Which Solaris release is this?



On 03/04/11 11:10, Mark J Musante wrote:

The fix for 6991788 would probably let the 40mb drive work, but it would depend on the asize of the pool.

On Fri, 4 Mar 2011, Cindy Swearingen wrote:

Hi Robert,

We integrated some fixes that allowed you to replace disks of equivalent
sizes, but 40 MB is probably beyond that window.

Yes, you can do #2 below and the pool size will be adjusted down to the
smaller size. Before you do this, I would check the sizes of both

If both spares are "equivalent" smaller sizes, you could use those to
build the replacement pool with the larger disks and then put the extra
larger disks on the shelf.



On 03/04/11 09:22, Robert Hartzell wrote:
In 2007 I bought 6 WD1600JS 160GB sata disks and used 4 to create a raidz storage pool and then shelved the other two for spares. One of the disks failed last night so I shut down the server and replaced it with a spare. When I tried to zpool replace the disk I get:

zpool replace tank c10t0d0 cannot replace c10t0d0 with c10t0d0: device is too small

The 4 original disk partition tables look like this:

Current partition table (original):
Total disk sectors available: 312560317 + 16384 (reserved sectors)

Part      Tag    Flag     First Sector         Size         Last Sector
0 usr wm 34 149.04GB 312560350 1 unassigned wm 0 0 0 2 unassigned wm 0 0 0 3 unassigned wm 0 0 0 4 unassigned wm 0 0 0 5 unassigned wm 0 0 0 6 unassigned wm 0 0 0 8 reserved wm 312560351 8.00MB 312576734

Spare disk partition table looks like this:

Current partition table (original):
Total disk sectors available: 312483549 + 16384 (reserved sectors)

Part      Tag    Flag     First Sector         Size         Last Sector
0 usr wm 34 149.00GB 312483582 1 unassigned wm 0 0 0 2 unassigned wm 0 0 0 3 unassigned wm 0 0 0 4 unassigned wm 0 0 0 5 unassigned wm 0 0 0 6 unassigned wm 0 0 0 8 reserved wm 312483583 8.00MB 312499966 So it seems that two of the disks are slightly different models and are about 40mb smaller then the original disks. I know I can just add a larger disk but I would rather user the hardware I have if possible.
1) Is there anyway to replace the failed disk with one of the spares?
2) Can I recreate the zpool using 3 of the original disks and one of the slightly smaller spares? Will zpool/zfs adjust its size to the smaller disk? 3) If #2 is possible would I still be able to use the last still shelved disk as a spare?

If #2 is possible I would probably recreate the zpool as raidz2 instead of the current raidz1.

Any info/comments would be greatly appreciated.

  --      Robert Hartzell
 RwHartzell.Net, Inc.

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