On Mar 25, 2011, at 12:17 PM, Chris Forgeron wrote:

> I’m curious where ZFS development is going.

Forward :-)

> I’ve been reading through the lists, and watching Oracle, Nexenta, Illumos, 
> and OpenIndiana for signs of life.
> The feeling I get is that while there is plenty of userland work being done, 
> there is next to nothing on ZFS development outside of the Oracle camp.

There is an active ZFS working group where many people contributing code to the 
ZFS are members. I can't speak for the group, officially, but be aware that it 
does exist
under the illumos umbrella. Members include active porters to OSes other than 

> So, I decided to see if I could help set something in motion.
> Agreeing with some of the opinions expressed here, 
> (http://opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=508798&#508798 ) I 
> contacted Erik Trimble and we had a very quick/brief discussion that we want 
> to bring to the list so a more public and wide-scope discussion can happen.
> I have my ideas of where I’d like to see ZFS go, Erik doesn’t fully agree, 
> and has other ideas as well. We both know that the rest of the community will 
> have further ideas on what should be happening, and that’s why we’re 
> discussing it here.
> However, I think it’s imperative that we don’t fracture ZFS into 4 different 
> OpenSource versions that are all incompatible with each-other.

Yes, which is why the ZFS working group exists.

> I’d like to lay out some groundwork for this thread to keep it manageable;
> 1)      This thread is about ZFS, not generic Solaris development, userland 
> or non-ZFS development in _x_Solaris.  
> In my mind, I see these issues as pressing and needing addressing;
> 1)      Action. We need an official “we’re moving on” type of agreement, so 
> we stop waiting for Oracle to do something. I don’t think we’re going to see 
> v31 anytime soon, let’s stop waiting for it. What version do we branch from?
> 2)      Home? ZFS requires a home. What is the home? Is it official? Will it 
> always be able to live here? This home would also be in charge of 
> version/change management. A new version system will need to be created to 
> diff from the Oracle efforts going forward.
> 3)      Generic? Can this home be generic (i.e. lessen or remove the bias to 
> Solaris)? Is it practical? FreeBSD has a very robust ZFS copy, running v28 in 
> the beta builds. Pjd has done a lot of work porting this, and I know other 
> people will do a lot of work porting ZFS in the future. Can we minimize the 
> efforts of porting ZFS so the work can go into development and features, not 
> constantly adapting changes to the OS in use? More than just Solaris 
> developers want to contribute to ZFS.
> 4)      Legal? Is there anything in ZFS that needs to be removed to ensure it 
> has a long vibrant life in the Open Source community? Do we need a “Lite” 
> version much like 4.4 BSD Lite to escape AT&T? This may need to spawn into a 
> separate thread, as I’ve already seen a few epic threads about that topic 
> alone.

All of these issues are currently being addressed, as well as a few more 
relating to the
future growth of the technology.  Stay tuned for more info, or jump into the 
illumos project
and start working on issues :-)
 -- richard

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