Interesting, although makes sense ;)
Now, I wonder about reliability (with large 2-3Tb drives
and long scrub/resilver/replace times): say I have 12 drives
in my box. 
I can lay them out as 4*3-disk raidz1, 3*4-disk-raidz1
or a 1*12-disk raidz3 with nearly the same capacity (8-9
data disks plus parity). I see that with more vdevs the
IOPS will grow - does this translate to better resilver
and scrub times as well?
Smaller raidz sets can be more easily spread over 
different controllers and JBOD boxes, which is also
an interesting factor...
How good or bad is the expected reliability of  
3*4-disk-raidz1 vs 1*12-disk raidz3, so which 
of the tradeoffs is better - more vdevs or more 
parity to survive loss of ANY 3 disks vs. "right"
3 disks?
//Jim Klimov
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