On 06/16/2011 09:09 AM, Erik Trimble wrote:
We had a similar discussion a couple of years ago here, under the title "A Versioning FS". Look through the archives for the full discussion.

The jist is that application-level versioning (and consistency) is completely orthogonal to filesystem-level snapshots and consistency. IMHO, they should never be mixed together - there are way too many corner cases and application-specific memes for a filesystem to ever fully handle file-level versioning and *application*-level data consistency. Don't mistake one for the other, and, don't try to *use* one for the other. They're completely different creatures.

I guess that is true of the current FSs available. Though it would be nice to essentially have a versioning FS in the kernel rather than an application in userspace. But I regress. I'll use SVN and webdav.

Thanks for the advice everyone.
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