> 1 - are the 2 vdevs in the same pool, or two separate
> pools?
I was planning on having the 2 z2 vdevs in one pool. Although having 2 pools 
and having them sync'd sounds really good, I fear it may be overkill for the 
intended purpose.

> 3 - spare temperature
> for levels raidz2 and better, you might be happier
> with a warm spare
> and manual replacement, compared to overly-aggressive
> automated
> replacement if there is a cascade of errors.  See
> recent threads.
> You may also consider a cold spare, leaving a drive
> bay free for
> disks-as-backup-tapes swapping.  If you replace the
> 1Tb's now,
> repurpose them for this rather than reselling.  
I have considered this. The fact I am using cheap disks inevitably means they 
will fail sooner and more often than enterprise equivalents so the hot spare 
may be need to be over-used.

Could I have different sized vdevs and still have them both in one pool - i.e. 
an 8 disk z2 vdev and a 7 disk z2 vdev.

> 4 - the 16th port
> Can you find somewhere inside the case for an SSD as
> L2ARC on your
> last port?  Could be very worthwhile for some of your
> other data and
> metadata (less so the movies).

Yes! I have 10 5.1/4" drive bays in my case. 9 of them are occupied by the 
5-in-3 hot swop caddies leaving 1 bay left. I was planning on using one of 
 in the drive bay and having 2x 2.5" SATA drives mirrored for the root pool, 
leaving 2 drive bays spare.

For the mirrored root pool I was going to use 2 of the 6 motherboard SATA II 
ports so they are entirely seperate to the 'data' controllers. So I could 
either use the 16th port on the Supermicro controllers for an SSD or one of the 
remaining motherboard ports.

What size would you recommend for the L2ARC disk. I ask as I have a 72GB SAS 
10k disk spare so could use this for now (being faster than SATA), but it would 
have to be on the Supermicro card as this also supports SAS drives. SSD's are a 
bit out of range price wise at the moment so i'd wait to use one. Also ZFS 
doesn't support TRIM yet does it?

Thank you for you excellent post! :)
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