On Mon, June 27, 2011 15:24, Erik Trimble wrote:
> I'm always kind of surprised that there hasn't been a movement to create
> standardized crypto commands, like the various FP-specific commands that
> are part of MMX/SSE/etc.  That way, most of this could be done in
> hardware seamlessly.

The (Ultra)SPARC T-series processors do, but to a certain extent it goes
against a CPU manufacturers best (financial) interest to provide this:
crypto is very CPU intensive using 'regular' instructions, so if you need
to do a lot of it, it would force you to purchase a manufacturer's
top-of-the-line CPUs, and to have as many sockets as you can to handle a
load (and presumably you need to do "useful" work besides just
en/decrypting traffic).

If you have special instructions that do the operations efficiently, it
means that you're not chewing up cycles as much, so a less powerful (and
cheaper) processor can be purchased.

I'm sure all the Web 2.0 companies would love to have these (and OpenSSL
link use the instructions), so they could simply enable HTTPS for
everything. (Of course it'd also be helpful for data-at-rest, on-disk
encryption as well.)

The last benchmarks I saw indicated that the SPARC T-series could do 45
Gb/s AES or some such, with gobs of RSA operations as well.

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