The problem is more clearly stated here. Look, 700GB is gone (the correct 
number is 620GB)!

First I do "zfs list" onto TempStorage/Backup which reports 800GB. This is 

Then I do "df -h" which reports only 180GB, which is not correct. So, it should 
be 800GB of data, but "df" reports only 180GB. This means 620GB is gone. Where 
is it? I know there is 620GB worth of data, which I can not access. Where is my 
data, and how can I access it?

root@solaris:/mnt/TempStorage/Stuff# zfs list
NAME                      USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
TempStorage               916G  45,1G  37,3G  /mnt/TempStorage
TempStorage/Backup        799G  45,1G   177G  /mnt/TempStorage/Backup   
<-------- OBS! 800GB!
TempStorage/EmmasFolder  78,6G  45,1G  78,6G  /mnt/TempStorage/EmmasFolder
TempStorage/Stuff        1,08G  45,1G  1,08G  /mnt/TempStorage/Stuff

root@solaris:/mnt/TempStorage/Stuff# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
TempStorage            83G   38G   46G  46% /mnt/TempStorage
TempStorage/Backup    223G  178G   46G  80% /mnt/TempStorage/Backup    <------ 
only 200GB!!!
                      124G   79G   46G  64% /mnt/TempStorage/EmmasFolder
TempStorage/Stuff      47G  1,1G   46G   3% /mnt/TempStorage/Stuff
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