On 08/ 6/11 10:42 AM, Orvar Korvar wrote:
Is mirrors really a realistic alternative?

To what?  Some context would be helpful.

I mean, if I have to resilver a raid with 3TB discs, it can take days I 
suspect. With 4TB disks it can take a week, maybe. So, if I use mirror and one 
disk break, then I only have single redundancy while the mirror repairs. 
Reparation will take long time and will stress the disks, which means the other 
disk might malfunction.

Therefore, I think raidz2 or raidz3 that allows 2 or 3 disks to break while you 
resilver. Hence, mirror is not a realistic alternative when using large disks.

True/false? What do you guys say?

I don't have any exact like for like comparison data, but from what I've seen a mirror resilvers a lot faster than a drive in a raidz(2) vdev.


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