> From: Tim Cook [mailto:t...@cook.ms]
> That would be the logical decision, yes.  Not to poke fun, but did you really
> expect an official response after YEARS of nothing from Oracle?  This is the
> same company that refused to release any Java patches until the DHS issued
> a national warning suggesting that everyone uninstall Java.

Well, yes.  We do have oracle employees who contribute to this mailing list.  
It is not accurate or fair to stereotype the whole company.  Oracle by itself 
is as large as some cities or countries.

I can understand a company policy of secrecy about development direction and 
stuff like that.  I would think somebody would be able to officially confirm or 
deny that this mailing list is going to stop.  At least one of their system 
administrators lurks here...

zfs-discuss mailing list
  • [zfs-discuss] zfs... Edward Ned Harvey (opensolarisisdeadlongliveopensolaris)
    • Re: [zfs-dis... Edward Ned Harvey (opensolarisisdeadlongliveopensolaris)
      • Re: [zfs... Tim Cook
        • Re: ... Edward Ned Harvey (opensolarisisdeadlongliveopensolaris)
          • ... Bob Friesenhahn
          • ... Tim Cook
            • ... Sašo Kiselkov
              • ... Toby Thain
                • ... Ian Collins
                • ... Bryan Horstmann-Allen
                • ... Richard Elling
                • ... Ian Collins
                • ... Sašo Kiselkov
      • Re: [zfs... Sriram Narayanan

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