At 06:53 PM 10/15/2002, you wrote:

> >destruction of the people, but notice how he singled out the secret
> >combinations, just as the Church today could point out many threats to
> >peace, prosperity, and the spread of God's work, but it has singled out
> >as
> >the greatest threat the Godless conspiracy. There is no conspiracy
> >in the Book of Mormon—it is a conspiracy fact.
>I seek to live by the principles of the Book of Mormon. A man can get
>closer to God by abiding the precepts therein than any other book. I'll
>leave the conspiracies to the prophets since they seem to know so much
>about them. If the Lord wills it-- let the prophets go out and fight our
>battles by approaching the beasts, false prophets, and Gadiantons. The
>power is in their hands.
>Notice how he said that they threaten the "spread of God's work"? Sound
>like Iraq to me. All in all you have failed to make your case. The church
>does not have a program in place for LDS people to get involved in
>conspiracy facts or theories. We are too busy raising our families and
>trying to be good. We are too busy trying to be politically correct so
>everyone will like the Mormons. Let the prophet go up against the beast!
>Count me out!
>Paul O

President Ezra Taft Benson has reminded:

The Prophet Joseph Smith is reported to have prophesied the role the 
priesthood might play to save our inspired Constitution. Now is the time to 
move forward courageously—to become alerted, informed, and active.

The Lord's priesthood has a mission to perform for liberty-loving people 
everywhere. We cannot, any more than Jonah of old, run away from our 
calling." (The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, p. 620; italics added.)

On another occasion, President Benson said:

Any Christian constitutionalist who retreats from this battle jeopardizes 
his life here and hereafter. Seldom has so much responsibility hung on so 
few, so heavily; but our numbers are increasing, and we who have been 
warned have a responsibility to warn our neighbor (see D&C 88:81). (Ibid., 
p. 591.)

[The] divine duty to be a faithful fighter for freedom requires that those 
of us who have been warned do our duty to warn our neighbor. (Ibid., p. 657.)

• Righteousness is important. In fact, President Benson has said repeatedly 
that "righteousness is the one indispensable ingredient to liberty." (Ibid, 
p. 346; see also pp. 416 & 588.)

"How," asks the Prophet, "can we best befriend the Constitution in this 
critical hour and secure the blessings of liberty?" (Ibid., p. 621.) The 
Prophet answers his own question: "First and foremost, we must be 
righteous." (Ibid.; italics in original.)

It has been suggested, however, that the fundamental principles of the 
Constitution will be upheld and the nation will be saved as members of the 
Church simply live the gospel. President Benson has responded to this 
suggestion as follows:

Satan is anxious to neutralize the inspired counsel of the prophet and 
hence keep the priesthood off balance, ineffective, and inert in the fight 
for freedom. He does this through diverse means, including the use of 
perverse reasoning.

For example, he will argue, 'There is no need to get involved in the fight 
for freedom;all you need to do is live the gospel.' Of course this is a 
contradiction, because we cannot fully live the gospel and not be involved 
in the fight for freedom.

We would not say to someone, -There is no need to be baptized-;all you need 
to do is live the gospel.' That would be ridiculous because baptism is a 
part of the gospel. How would you have reacted if during the War in Heaven 
someone had said to you, -Look, just do what is right; there is no need to 
get involved in the fight for free agency.' It is obvious what the devil is 
trying to do, but it is sad to see many of us fall for his destructive line.

The cause of freedom is a most basic part of our religion. Our position on 
freedom helped get us to this earth and it can make the difference as to 
whether we get back home or not. (Ibid., p. 656.)

• And finally, President Benson has warned:

One of our most serious problems is the inferiority complex which people 
feel when they are not informed and organized. They dare not make a 
decision on these vital issues. They let other people think for them. They 
stumble around in the middle of the road trying to avoid being 
'controversial,' and get hit by traffic going both ways. In this mighty 
struggle each of you has a part. Every person on the earth today chose the 
right side during the War in Heaven. Be on the right side now. Stand up and 
be counted." (Ibid., p. 387.)

Steven Montgomery

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