At 07:40 PM 10/22/2002 +0000, Stephen wrote:
> The only person among Elders with keys is the Elders Quorum president.

In other words, the only elder with keys is the presiding elder. Well,
of course. And the only high priest with keys is the presiding high

> Yet, his keys are limited.

As are the bishop's or stake president's.

If a High Priest in our branch (we have 4 of them) wants to baptize one of his children, he needs the permission of our Branch President, an Elder. If a High Priest in our branch wants to bless or pass the Sacrament, which happens almost every week, he does so with the approval of our Branch President, an Elder. I remember when our Branch President was set apart, he was given the keys of presidency, which certainly counts for something.

Rick Mathis

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