Gary, all this side discussion about Alma 13 and such is interesting 
enough, and I'm happy enough to continue it -- though I suspect that, 
upon review of the relevant teachings and a careful rereading of Alma's 
words, you will agree that Alma 13 is much more inclusive than you've 
been thinking, and that it in fact applies to all Melchizedek Priesthood 
holders, not simply those who hold the administrative Priesthood office 
of high priest.

But the central question remains: Where do you derive your doctrine that 
all men must eventually hold the Melchizedek Priesthood office of high 
priest in order to receive exaltation? That's the genesis of this 
thread, and I have yet to see any evidence that this doctrine exists in 
holy writ, or that it is taught by, approved by, or even believed by the 
general authorities.


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