If its only a handful of things that aren't updated very often, it will
probably be fine.   Just beware of the drawbacks and danger if there are
many or they are updated frequently.
You may want to consider compressing the data in there too.

On 6/3/09 9:57 AM, "Eric Bowman" <ebow...@boboco.ie> wrote:

> Thanks for the quick reply Henry & Patrick.
> I understand the important of "small things" for a common use case point
> of view; I don't think my case is so common, but it's also not that big
> a deal to just write the data to an NFS volume and puts its path in ZK.
> I was kind of hoping to avoid that, but I have to do that anyhow for
> other things, so this doesn't do much damage. :)
> At some point I'll spend some time understanding how this really affects
> latency in my case ... I'm keeping just a handful of things that are
> about 10M in the ensemble, so the memory footprint is no problem.  But
> the network bandwidth could be ... I'll check it out.
> Thanks,
> Eric
> --
> Eric Bowman
> Boboco Ltd
> ebow...@boboco.ie
> http://www.boboco.ie/ebowman/pubkey.pgp
> +35318394189/+353872801532

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