Along this line of thought, I was wondering if it would be worthwhile to
snitch Stefan's mock zookeeper class into the Zookeeper distribution.  I
have found it very handy to have such an object and keep re-inventing it.
No doubt other users find the same.  As such it would be nice to share this
as widely as possible.  The only real virtue of the class is that it makes
junit's go much faster and require less setup.

An analogy can be drawn from the use of HSQLdb with hibernate as a
lightweight test database.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Stefan Groschupf <> wrote:

> Hi Zookeeper developer,
> it would be great if you guys could give us some feedback about our project
> zkclient.
> The main idea is making the life of lazy developers that only want minimal
> zk functionality much easier.
> We have a functionality like zkclient mock making testing easy and fast
> without running a real zkserver, simple call back interfaces for the
> different event types, reconnecting handling in case of timeout etc.
> We feel we come closer to a release so it would be great if some experts
> could have a look and give us some feedback.
> Thanks,
> Stefan
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Hadoop training and consulting

Ted Dunning, CTO

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