> Zope3 has never supported PAS and I doubt it ever well.

That is a shame - the thread I referred to shows that Jim was working on
exactly that - it's a shame that never came to fruition (and indeed, its not
clear why that attempt failed - should PAS have been fixed to make that
transition possible?)

> Since Zope3 is not a successor to Zope2 but a
> completely different thing I do not think this is problematic.

That too seems a shame to me.  So if I found myself with an investment in
Zope2 but was looking to the future, Zope3 will not even *attempt* to
provide a smoother path for me than, say, moving to django or another
alternative framework?

I guess the fact the first 4 letters of "zope2" and "zope3" being the same
did imply some sense of continuation in at least *some* things...

(or, as usual, I may be missing something that is obvious to those closer to
the metal than me as a somewhat external observer)


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