
Am Mittwoch, den 02.05.2007, 09:36 -0400 schrieb Jim Fulton:
> On May 2, 2007, at 9:31 AM, Michael Howitz wrote:
> > Am 02.05.2007 um 15:12 schrieb Jim Fulton:
> >> Assuming that you have a checkout of the trunk zc.form, then you  
> >> are mistaken. The version number in the setup.py file:
> >>
> >>   http://svn.zope.org/zc.form/trunk/setup.py?view=auto
> >>
> >> is 0.1dev.  This is before 0.1dev-r74753 and thus doesn't satisfy  
> >> the requirement zc.form>=0.1dev-r74753.
> >>
> >> If you aren't using the trunk of zc.form, you should share what  
> >> version you are using.
> >
> > I'm using the trunk of zc.form. So I thought the trunk should be  
> > counted as newer as each snapshot release.
> You thought wrong.

Well. It definitely should be. Reading the setuptools documentation
again it becomes obvious how the version numbering scheme has to be used
to make that happen:

"Note: the project version number you specify in setup.py should always
be the next version of your software, not the last released version."

So, the trunk's version in setup.py should be "0.1" in this case.

Making a snapshot release would be done using::

    $ python setup.py egg_info -rb.dev sdist 

This results in the egg being labeled: project-0.1.dev-r1234

Now, a develop egg would be version "0.1" which is represented by the
trunk, just not released yet. And any snapshot will have the pre-release
tag "dev" and the post-release tags given by the subversion revision.

IMHO we should take care arranging our setup.py files in this way.


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