On 5/3/07, Michael Howitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Am 02.05.2007 um 15:12 schrieb Jim Fulton:
> Assuming that you have a checkout of the trunk zc.form, then you
> are mistaken. The version number in the setup.py file:
>   http://svn.zope.org/zc.form/trunk/setup.py?view=auto
> is 0.1dev.  This is before 0.1dev-r74753 and thus doesn't satisfy
> the requirement zc.form>=0.1dev-r74753.
> If you aren't using the trunk of zc.form, you should share what
> version you are using.

I'm using the trunk of zc.form. So I thought the trunk should be
counted as newer as each snapshot release.

You can fabricate your own version string by writing a local setup.cfg
file in your zc.form checkout that has the contents:

 tag_build = dev
 tag_svn_revision = true

Before doing that, I get something like:

 % python setup.py egg_info
 % cat src/zc.form.egg-info/PKG-INFO | grep "^Version"
 Version: 0.1

And then after adding a local setup.cfg:

 % python setup.py egg_info
 % cat src/zc.form.egg-info/PKG-INFO | grep "^Version"
 Version: 0.1dev-r75344

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