(From my Zope 2 experience, though it should be relevant here).

Building an HA architecture for Zope is pretty much like anything else
... There's very little that's Zope specific.


- 8 boxes: 2 web, 2 app, 2 storage, 2 load balancers
- On the web boxes run Apache with mod_rewrite to get you to the Zope
instance(s) running on the app layer machines
- Use ZEO w/ ZRS on the storage side.  There are ways without ZRS
probably, look at the Disk Replication Block Device (DRBD) project.

I still bother to try and get single CPU machines, because of the whole
Python GIL vs. Thread issue, though newer linuxes have CPU affinity.

How you setup the load-blanacing will depend on a whole lot of factors,
notably what software we use, and is beyond this list (Besides I don't
do that bit, our "infrastructure" guys do that for me).

We've head great success with that setup (3 app servers however) ...
Vastly improved perfromance and availability.


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Dan Buch
Sent: February 16, 2007 4:43 PM
To: zope3-users@zope.org
Subject: [Zope3-Users] Infrastructure Requirements?

I'm at the very beginning of what will hopefully be a successful
deployment of some Zope3 apps.  The big question I'm getting now from
the infrastructure-minded people is what sort of hardware requirements
I'll need (?)

Given that I'm a bit of an Ubuntu nut, I wanted to look into a Sun
server.  I know that I won't need much in the way of storage, the
minimum CPU and memory will do...  after that I get a little lost :)

If our final setup (a couple years down the line) will have something
like 4-5 components all running on Zope3, must be highly available, and
gracefully handle minor failures, what should I spec in terms of

/me awaits flames ... 

Thanks in advance for patience, etc.

Dan Buch
SmartEd Services
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