Kirk Strauser wrote:
On Friday 09 September 2005 10:25, Paul Winkler wrote:

To be honest, I'd expect something a little different, namely that each
instance would automatically pull in all the products in the site
installation (like [1] and [2] above), but that doesn't seem to be the
case.  Is that a configuration issue, by design, or by accident?

It's a configuration issue.  Check out the "products" directive
in zope.conf.

The one that says:

    "The master Products directory exists in Zope's software home, and
     cannot be removed from the products path (and should not be added to it

? That seemed to me that I shouldn't be adding /usr/local/www/Zope/Products to the search path, although I'm unsure of the reasons.

I don't know why, either. That simply says that there is a default Products directory ($SOFTWARE_HOME/lib/python/Products), you can't get rid of it, and you shouldn't try to configure it here. The more interesting part is::

   Name of a directory that contains additional Product packages.  This
   directive may be used as many times as needed to add additional
   collections of products.  Each directory identified will be
   added to the __path__ of the Products package.

If you want your instances to use Products from some other directory, name it here.

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