Hi, Gilberto,

At 08:32 AM 12/25/2004, you wrote:
>>I think part of my misgivings with the Bahai faith have to do with a 
>>different attitude towards time and morality. I mean, if something is 
>>immoral, why wouldn't it always be immoral? (given sufficiently similar 
>>situations) Morality shouldn't depend on merely the passing of time on the 

Perhaps the issue centers around one's view of rationality. To my 
understanding, the usual approach found in the Baha'i texts is 
Wertrationalitäet or substantive rationality. (It is similar, I think, to 
Cornelius van Til's concept of presuppositionalism.) Rationality, in my view, 
refers to God's reasons (His Will). 

If certain virtues or recommended behaviors remain the same from age to age, it 
is because God has made that determination. If they change, as with the Qiblih, 
Salat, or Sawm, again, it is due to God's judgement. There is no state of 
goodness which is pre-existent to God's Will.

Perhaps we can sometimes discern the reasons for certain changes. More often 
than not, we may have no idea. IMO, this is one of the many areas in which 
faith must simply be divorced from human reason.

>>So if you really believe that Muhammad and Hussein practiced something called 
>>"holy war" why was it ok then, and not ok now?<< 

Perhaps because the establishment of global governance requires collective 

>>Are human beings incapable now of sinking to brutal depths (Rwanada, the 
>>killing fields of Cambodia, communal violence in Gujurat, the holocaust, 
>>bosnian genocides)<<

I don't see how that is an argument for religious warfare. If anything, it 
points to the need for collective security.

>>Are you saying that it is absolutely impossible for the Bahais to be in a 
>>situation similar to those of the the early Muslims under Muhammad and 

If so, then Baha'is would normally be expected to behave differently.

With regards, Mark A. Foster * 15 Sites: http://markfoster.net
"Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger" -- Abbie Hoffman 

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