Hi, Gilberto,

At 11:24 PM 1/26/2005, you wrote:
>>So would it be fair to say that the sinlessness is a non-falsifiable 
>>statement? You aren't saying that they conform to some prior moral 
>>principles, but that by definition, beecause they are the Manifestation they 
>>could do no wrong?<<

Yes, IMO, protection ('ismat) from sin is not ultimately falsifiable. One would 
need to be in an equal or superior position to the Prophet in order to falsify 

On the other hand, I *could* decide that, based on my own will or conscience, a 
particular Prophet does not conform to sinlessness (as I understand it). 
However, I don't think that is a very good idea. ;-)

>>Just as earlier when we first started talking, you wouldn't exclude Crowley 
>>from being a Manifestation just on moral grounds.<<

I don't recall having used the term "moral grounds," or anything like it, in my 
messages. You would need to show me what you have in mind. I said that, as a 
sociologist of religion and an individual, I would accept that Crowley (or 
anyone else) is whom he (or she) claims to be in the context of a particular 

Regards, Mark A. Foster • http://markfoster.net • [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger." ---- Abbie Hoffman 

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