<div></div><div>On Wed, 2022-05-11 at 14:56 -0400, me wrote:
<br/>&gt; This is more or less in line with what I think we&rsquo;ve 
anticipated. I
<br/>&gt; really appreciate you providing the info.&nbsp;
<br/>&gt; That said&hellip; to outreach or not to outreach&hellip; that is the 
<br/>So ... I have been staying out of this conversation rather
<br/>intentionally for a number of reasons, but I feel I must speak up here.
<br/>YOU MUST NOT reach out to ANYONE on behalf of the Apache Software
<br/>Foundation without coordinating with M&amp;P. Without their approval, you
<br/>are NOT authorized to speak on behalf of the ASF, or put yourself in a
<br/>position where it appears that you are doing so.
<br/>Please forgive if I am coming across stronger than warranted here, but
<br/>this is a line that you MUST NOT cross without the approval of M&amp;P.
<br/>--Rich, with Board of Directors hat on.
<br/>&gt; I&rsquo;m going to try to remain impartial in order to facilitate. 
<br/>&gt; this isn&rsquo;t my opinion, I&rsquo;m just trying to help move 
things forward).
<br/>&gt; The scenario w/ Jeep is the most synonymous to Apache. (We are named
<br/>&gt; for a tribe, rather than a synonymous term or epithet). I&rsquo;m side
<br/>&gt; stepping the logo for the moment.&nbsp;
<br/>&gt; The last words I could find on the subject (w/ a brief scan) were
<br/>&gt; March of 2021
<br/>&gt; - Chief Hoskins of the Cherokee Nation did request a name change from
<br/>&gt; Jeep.&nbsp;
<br/>&gt; - Jeep opened up talks, but they didn&rsquo;t comply.
<br/>&gt; From:&nbsp;Roman Shaposhnik &lt;ro...@shaposhnik.org&gt;
<br/>&gt; Reply:&nbsp;Roman Shaposhnik &lt;ro...@shaposhnik.org&gt;
<br/>&gt; Date:&nbsp;May 9, 2022 at 09:52:47
<br/>&gt; To:&nbsp;me &lt;m...@emangini.com&gt;
<br/>&gt; Cc:&nbsp;ComDev &lt;dev@community.apache.org&gt;
<br/>&gt; Subject:&nbsp; Re: A way to keep the name&nbsp; 
<br/>&gt; On Mon, May 9, 2022 at 4:35 PM me &lt;m...@emangini.com&gt; 
<br/>&gt; &gt; &nbsp;
<br/>&gt; &gt; Roman, welcome to the party!&nbsp; 
<br/>&gt; LOL! Thanks ;-)&nbsp; 
<br/>&gt; &gt; I think the scope of the risk (in terms of &ldquo;what&rdquo;) 
is fairly well
<br/>&gt; &gt; understood. Did you also estimate the probability of the risks?
<br/>&gt; &gt; (i.e. likelihood?)&nbsp; 
<br/>&gt; IIRC mostly the likelihood.&nbsp; 
<br/>&gt; &gt; Do you mind sharing what the results were of the previous
<br/>&gt; &gt; assessment?&nbsp; 
<br/>&gt; It was deemed to be low: primarily based on our historic use of 
<br/>&gt; name (we have been pretty respectful with it) and the fact that&nbsp; 
<br/>&gt; whoever brings the lawsuit will have to have a standing.&nbsp; 
<br/>&gt; Thanks,&nbsp; 
<br/>&gt; Roman.&nbsp; 
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