On Thu, 16 Jun 2016 16:38:44 -0400
Paul Wouters <p...@nohats.ca> wrote:

> > On Jun 15, 2016, at 12:51, Stephen Gallagher <sgall...@redhat.com>
> > wrote:  
> > Traditionally, we've assumed a greater level of understanding for
> > those who use CLI tools as opposed to GUI tools. It's expected that
> > if someone is using DNF directly, it's because they know what they
> > are doing (and what risks that carries). I'm not going to comment
> > on whether that assumption is correct or not,  
> Let me then. The original poster said they stopped using the gui tool
> not because of a different skill level but because they don't want to
> be forced into a reboot now.
> I do the same. A pop up interrupts me and I'm busy. I probably
> forget. Now my system is sure to be out of date.
> Services should be smart enough to restart if one of their dependant
> libraries updates as a security update. Don't we have a super
> competent new fancy init system for these kind of things now?

restart when? If a pop up reminding you to reboot is bothering you and
you forget it, how would one asking to restart apps you are using work?


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