Daniel Carrera wrote:
Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
Daniel Carrera wrote:
Do you feel that team-building within the community is unimportant? For an open source project, I think that this sort of interaction between members is very important. After all, "fun" and "community" are the primary motivators for almost any volunteer.

It's obviously important but ought not to be seen as the primary reason for funding a conference. It is usually seen as a side benefit.

I guess I rank community contact higher than you then. Because I think that it's significantly more than a "side benefit".


Attracting and motivating volunteers seem to me to be absolutely essential for a project like OOo, given that everyone around OOo keeps complaining that they don't have enough people to do what needs to be done.

There are many ways to do attract and motivate volunteers; in my experience, interaction at conferences is a very important one of those ways.


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