Based on what I found when I asked the same question, you will receicve
answers from people who selected and have used only the LS-30, some who
have only used the Canon, and a third group who have tested or compared
both.  It really comes down to what you want to spend in $$$, the
bits/channel and resplution you can get for the $, the software packages
you get with the hardware, like ICE, and viewing any comparisons on
sites like Tony Sleep's.

Though the companies seem to want you to buy without thought and use
only their marketing information, it is best to wait for as much
information as you can tolerate.  The companies seem to feel that they
do not need to have you get the information to lay out such a "paltry
sum" as $US 1,000. (In my opinion, a purchase costing more than one week
of my wifes jaunts to the super market is not a "paltry sum."

Have patience, learn as much as yopu can, and buy the unit that best
satisfied your needs.  I did and I bought an LS-30 after its price
dropped 50% and my saving for it reached the price.  I also bought
Vuescan to use with it.  In the end will be your call.  I do not regret


Ezio wrote:

> I owns a LS-30 and IMHO the ICE is something extremely useful .I think
> Canon is missing ICE. Sincerely. Ezio  e-photography
> site
>      ----- Original Message -----
>      From: Jan Copier
>      Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2000 4:26 PM
>      Subject: filmscanners: NikonLS30 or CanoScan2710?
>       Hello, I'm planning to buy a new scanner, my old one is a
>      Nikon LS20. Can anyone tell me what is the best choice, the
>      Nikon LS30 or CanoScan2710? Thanks for who is responding

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