--On 17 August 2013 17:32:18 +0100 Arthur Chance <free...@qeng-ho.org> wrote:

What do you get in the jail from

sysctl net.fibs
sysctl net.my_fibnum


I didn't know those sysctl's existed :) If I fire up the jail, and jexec to it, and run the above - I get:

root@jail:/ # sysctl net.fibs
net.fibs: 4
root@jail:/ # sysctl net.my_fibnum
net.my_fibnum: 0

(I have 'ROUTETABLES=4' in the Kernel, so the 4 above is correct).

That's for a jail which has:

jail {
        jid = 100;
        exec.fib = "1";

In /etc/jail.conf

So, on the surface it looks like 'exec.fib' is being ignored :( I tried it without quotes as well, to no avail.

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