On 20/08/2013 12:50, Karl Pielorz wrote:

--On 20 August 2013 08:27 +0100 Arthur Chance <free...@qeng-ho.org> wrote:

In the source the exec.fib parameter is given as an integer, so the
quotes probably shouldn't be there, but I'm not sure whether it matters.

I tried it just as 'exec.fib = 1;' originally, and it makes no
difference :(

There's definitely a setfib call in the source that's done if exec.fib
exists. All I can think of right now is that you try firing up the jail
using the -v verbose flag. This should show everything the jail command
does as the jail is created.

Ok, I tried that and got:

root# jail -v -c jail
jail: run command: /sbin/mount -t devfs -oruleset=4 . /usr2/jails/jail/dev
jail: jail_set(JAIL_CREATE) persist name=jail devfs_ruleset=4 jid=100
path=/usr2/jails/jail host.hostname=jail.somedomain.com
ip4.addr= allow.raw_sockets
jail: created
jail: run command in jail: /bin/sh /etc/rc
Setting hostname: jail.somedomain.com
ELF ldconfig path: /lib /usr/lib /usr/lib/compat /usr/local/lib
32-bit compatibility ldconfig path: /usr/lib32
Creating and/or trimming log files.
ln: /dev/log: Operation not permitted
Starting syslogd.
Clearing /tmp (X related).
Updating motd:.
Starting cron.

Tue Aug 20 11:39:20 UTC 2013
jail: jail_set(JAIL_UPDATE) jid=100 nopersist

Certainly more detail, but no mention of fib's :( - I tried it both
with, and without quotes around the FIB value. You can also see I have
raw sockets available for debugging.

I can't test this directly, as I'm running a generic kernel so only have one fib. However, if I add the invalid (under GENERIC) "exec.fib = 1;" to my jail.conf and try launching the jail with -v I get (slightly cut)

testjail: run command: /sbin/mount -t devfs -oruleset=4 . /jails/jail/testjail/root/dev testjail: jail_set(JAIL_CREATE) persist name=testjail enforce_statfs=2 ip6=disable path=/jails/jail/testjail/root host.hostname=testjail.home.qeng-ho.org allow.set_hostname=false ip4.addr= securelevel=1
testjail: created
testjail: run command in jail: /bin/sh /etc/rc
jail: testjail: setfib: Invalid argument
jail: testjail: /bin/sh /etc/rc: failed
testjail: removed

so it certainly has tried the setfib and knows it has failed.

And that's just made me think of something else - I have a horrible feeling that jexec will attach to the jail using whatever fib it's running under, i.e. the fib from the host environment. Do you have (or can you enable) ssh running in the jail? If so, log into the jail that way, and see what

        sysctl net.my_fibnum

shows then, because you'll be running under the environment created by /etc/rc.

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