At 11:01 AM 9/8/2011, James Collins wrote:

>One thing I noticed. When my serial2usb adaptor is connected. And I 
>look in /dev on my computer this is listed:
>But when I try to open my vm, I get an error:
>loctl failed for serial host device '/dev/cu.usbserial-FTKVMAFF' 
>(VERR_DEV_IO_ERROR). The device will not work properly.
>And under details-
>Error ID:DrvHostSerialFail
>And when I look in /dev cu.usbserial-FTKVMAFF
>Is gone?
>And my settings for my vm are
>Ports-->Serial Ports-->Port 1-->
>Enable serial port, checked
>Port mode- host device
>Create pipe, unchecked
>Port/file path: /dev/cu.usbserial-FTKVMAFF

If this wasn't clear the last time around, this is an issue that you 
need to take up with the folks responsible for VirtualBox (or 
whatever other VM you might try). They just can't handle that device 
properly and without that, you will never have a chance to use it 
inside a VM....


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