> On 29 Mar 2017, at 06:43, Arthur Țițeică <art...@cloud.titeica.ro> wrote:
>> €5 a month seems an ideal price, but I can probably afford a little
>> more.
> Dedibox/Online has real hardware (dedicated servers) for 15 or 30€ on the 
> personal range. The more expensive one has 2 SSDs for software raid 6 cores 
> Xeon and 32gb memory.

Not sure why I'd need a dedicated hardware.

I think I'd probably rather have two VMs at €5 or €10 each a month, than one 
high-powered machine at the same price.

It would be handy to have another shell I can run back up to, run unattended 
downloads on and so forth when I'm on a flakey connection (and then pop the 
download into my Google Drive).

PS: can anyone explain how the Amazon web services work, please? I have the 
impression they're charged by usage and can be very cheap. But it's not clear 
to me if you can use AWS just like a regular Linux cloud server.

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