(Mail Archive admin jumping in)

We don't want to post back to lists via the archive@mail-archive.com address.  
Spamming would be too easy and many lists want to have controlled 
subscriber/poster lists.  We like the fact that no mail heads outbound from our 

Jeff Marshall

-----Original Message-----
From:  Stephen Turner
Date:  6/28/05 8:17 am
To:  gossip@jab.org
Subj:  Re: [Gossip] Reply button - why not cc: the list?

On Tue, 28 Jun 2005, Torsten Schlabach wrote:
>> I think that even with two buttons you'd make casual surfers (people
>> referred from Google, say) believe they can reply to the list when they
>> can't.
> Can't they? The archive is subscribed to the list. So the archive would be
> able to send messages to the list on behalf of the user, wouldn't it?

I never thought of that. But as a list owner, I'm not sure I'd want people
being able to send messages to the list that way. It would defeat the
subscription mechanism, and allow anyone (including spammers) to send
anonymous messages.

Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UK  http://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/
   "Low Priced Cambridge Clare College. Big selection at eBay UK!"
   (Ad after Google search for Clare College Cambridge)

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