On June 29, 2005 at 09:02, Dan Temple wrote:

> The "Reply List" button could just link to a mail form on the website hosting
> the list (i.e. nothing to do with mail-archive.com) which could then choose t
> o 
> send mail to its own list.
> I have not looked in detail but it it probably not possible to customize ones
> pages in this degree of detail, i.e. add a button. But maybe an idea?

I think in general, the idea is useful (and I have personally received
such ideas in the past), but you need to consider the operational
goals of mail-archive.com (or any other site) when considering such
a feature.

If I am not mistaken, mail-archive.com's main function is to serve
as an archive for mailing lists.  Things like "forum-style" communication
is not a goal, and the business model of the site does not facilitate
such functionality (increased operational costs).  I believe Jeff
provided the key reasons why such a feature is note desirable.

Technically, nothing prohibits a site from doing what you suggest,
but it needs to fit in with the operational and business model
of the site.

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