Hi Christian, *,

Christian Lohmaier schrieb:


> I had a quick look at MHonArc sources and there are two possible
> points where the behavriour can be tweaked.

> One is the expression that identifies email-addresses in lib/mhinit.pl

[.. cleaning classes, running to a mirror to look whether there remained
some colour in the eyes ;o)) ..] 

> the non-grouping is important, as it later is used in lib/mhopt.pl
> (the second point to tackle it) like this:

>    ## Check if rewriting addresses in bodies
>    if ($AddrModifyBodies) {
>        $readmail::TextPreFilter = sub {
>            my $fields = shift;
>            my $data_r = shift;
>            # do not rewrite cid: URLs.
>            #$$data_r =~ s{($AddrExp)}{rewrite_raw_address($1)}geox;
>            $$data_r =~ s{
>                ((?:cid:)?)($AddrExp)
>            }{
>                ($1 eq "") ? rewrite_raw_address($2) : $1.$2;
>            }gieox;
>        }
>    }

> i.e. if you'd use grouping parentheses, the $2 would not match what is
> expected.

> You could also add the prefix to the method, as alternative to the
> already existing cid case.
> ((?:cid:)?|(?:(?:http://(?:www\.)?)?mail-archive\.com/)?)($AddrExp)

> This one should work in any case (but I didn't test it)

This also is my favorite - simply because the only one having understood
entirely ;o)).

remains the question whether it makes sense to restrict on
mail-archive.com because I think any (http:|ftp:|rsync:) URL containing
an emailadress part should stay untouched. Might be interesting
whether/how many of these occur in the whole archive.

Thanks for investigating und thus providing the patch required. :o))

You went to the mirror already? ;o))

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