(12/10/2010 02:31 PM), Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:
>> IIRC, the source of this discussion was that a URL that
>> uses an @ was getting munged.  If this is not desired,
>> the author can use %40 in the URL and this will bypass
>> the filtering done by M-A.
> Shure, we will succeed to convince all authors of listmails archived in
> mail-archive.com to change every link referring to another yet archived
> mail that way? I can't believe.

Besides, not all instances can be escaped. It has a semantic meaning for
URLs, when it occurs before the hostname; it may not be common, but
surely once in a while someone posts a URL that includes a
username/password combo (presumably one that is okay to appear in public
archives)... at least in examples at any rate.

Micah J. Cowan

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