
We have 18 members from the posting to haskell-cafe, a comfortable
number.  Subscriptions have slowed now so lets do some introductions,
I'm very curious as to what people are thinking of when they join a
mailing list called haskell-art :)  This is an inclusive list - whether
you're a fine artist or hacking up strange code for fun your
contributions are very welcome.  As the list has comparatively few
members we can afford to not define the topic of the list too clearly I

I'm a musician attempting to use Haskell to make music, and also do some
fun experiments with visualisation of music.  I'm currently trying to
get my head around Rohan Drape's excellent Hsc haskell supercollider
library.  I'd like to use it to make a synthesiser based on simple
speech synthesis techniques so that I can make sounds by manipulating
English-like words.

I'm also interested in electronic art in general, and am quite new to
functional programming so generally enthused about as much of Haskell as
I can understand...

My academic blog is over here:

Best wishes,


haskell-art mailing list

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