On 2/27/07, alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


We have 18 members from the posting to haskell-cafe, a comfortable
number.  Subscriptions have slowed now so lets do some introductions,
I'm very curious as to what people are thinking of when they join a
mailing list called haskell-art :)  This is an inclusive list - whether
you're a fine artist or hacking up strange code for fun your
contributions are very welcome.  As the list has comparatively few
members we can afford to not define the topic of the list too clearly I

Well, why *not* do an introduction?
So as far as art goes, the only thing I really do is photography.  On the
other hand, I have a very strong interest in music theory and evolutionary
art, especially its connection to mathematics.  I can't find the paper right
now, but I think it was someone on planet haskell who linked to a paper
using topos theory to design music.  The paper was entirely over my head,
but it's the sort of thing I love learning.
haskell-art mailing list

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