On Oct 6, 2019, at 17:46, Michael Thomas <m...@mtcc.com> wrote:
> If the protocol is not truly plug and play in reality... wasn't that the 
> entire premise? That doesn't sound like an ops problem. I understand that 
> openwrt is a wonk box, but still if there isn't default configuration that 
> would make it truly plug and play for most situations, that sounds really 
> problematic.
> Can you confirm or not that openwrt could be set up by default in a way that 
> met the charter's requirements for operations (ie, like what you might expect 
> in a commercial home router)?

I think it can be, but the openwrt work never went that far.  We’re working on 
it again now, but even if we get it working nicely in openwrt, that doesn’t get 
it to where I can assume it will be working on some arbitrary home network 
anytime in the next five years. 
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