On Oct 7, 2019, at 9:15 AM, RayH <v6...@globis.net> wrote:
> My preferred path would be to look at why Homenet hasn't been rolled out.
> If it's because manufacturers aren't updating boxes at all, or even ipv6 at 
> all as per my local internet non-service provider, another standard ain't 
> going to solve that.
> So is there concensus on what's broken? And what needs fixing?

I think it’s a lot simpler than that: they don’t have to do it, so they don’t.  
 There’s no upside for them in adding complexity to the network, and that’s 
what this looks like.   In order for homenet to see widespread adoption, there 
has to be a problem it solves that lots of home users have.

TBH, one of the reasons that I am not in favor of ND proxy is precisely that it 
kicks this can even father down the road.   IoT network transit and similar 
applications are a clear use case for Homenet; building a solution that’s going 
in entirely the wrong evolutionary direction seems like an unfortunate plan.

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